She wouldn’t name names, but she said that she’s heard in the industry that he’s still living his life undercover.
Months after he was caught in a Florida hotel room with drugs and a male escort who reportedly overdosed, former Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum revealed that he is bisexual. The scandal caused the husband and father to admit himself into rehab and he even shared that there were points when he wanted to end his life, but even with the shame, Gillum decided to come forward regarding his sexuality. Fox Soul tackled the topic on The Queens with Claudia Jordan, Syleena Johnson, Vivica A. Fox, and LisaRaye McCoy. Claudia wanted to know if any of the women had dated anyone who identified as bisexual, and LisaRaye was quick to answer.
“I have. And he’s still a suspect,” LisaRaye stated. “It ain’t came out, but I been hearing it in the business. People have told me. When we were even together people would look at us sideways. I didn’t know who they was looking at harder, me or him.” LisaRaye made sure not to give any hints as to who she was speaking about, but Claudia and Vivica chimed in to say they were sure they knew who she was referring to.
“LisaRaye I’m going to tell you, I was actually surprised to see you with him,” Vivica said. LisaRaye replied, “Y’all don’t know sh*t!” Claudia tried to say it was a man that LisaRaye was seeing during her Player’s Club days, but the actress wasn’t sure if Claudia was correct. LisaRaye did confirm that Vivica was right ad since that time, fans have been raking through LisaRaye’s dating life to figure out who it is. Check out the ladies discussing this unnamed Hollywood figure below. Y’all give me a second, I’m about to go google everyone LisaRaye has dated. Could you date a bisexual man?