Here’s a little something I bet you didn’t have on your 2021 bingo card. After serving two years in prison, Bill Cosby will reportedly be discharged on Wednesday following the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to overturn his sexual assault conviction.
Just two months ago, it was reported that Bill Cosby had been denied parole by the Pennsylvania Parole Board after consistently failing to attend and participate in a treatment program for sex offenders. Many, including OJ Simpson, criticized Cosby and his legal team for not meeting the necessary requirements to be granted parole, but now, it appears that Cosby and his legal team were focused on much bigger things.
On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has shockingly overturned Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction, and several news outlets have reported that the disgraced comedian is expected to be released from prison in a matter of hours. According to the Associated Press, the court reportedly overturned Bill Cosby’s sex assault conviction after discovering an agreement with a previous prosecutor that prevented Cosby from being charged in the case.
AP reports that the prosecution unethically used newly unsealed evidence when he was charged in late 2015. Apparently, the evidence came from Cosby’s damaging deposition from Andrea Constand’s civil lawsuit that was filed in 20015, and Cosby was arrested days before the 12-year statute of limitations expired. As a result, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that Cosby’s trial was tainted, and it ultimately settled upon the decision to overturn his conviction.
The news has quickly resulted in comments from many, including Cosby’s accusers. Former Playboy Bunny Victoria Valentino who claimed Cosby raped her in 1970 after drugging her when she was 24 told ABC: “My stomach is lurching and I am deeply distressed, he’s a sociopath, he’s a serial rapist.”
Cosby, now 83 years old, has remained in prison for two years following his conviction in 2018, but is apparently on his way home. Take a look at some of the reactions and let us know what you think of all of this.
“I’m absolutely in shock…My stomach is lurching and I am deeply distressed about the injustice of the whole thing,” Bill Cosby accuser Victoria Valentino says of his release from prison.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) June 30, 2021
FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!
— Phylicia Rashad (@PhyliciaRashad) June 30, 2021
The 3 Bill Cosby accusers I represent and I are disgusted that he is a free man today.
He is not released because he is innocent.
He is released because a prosecutor promised him years ago that he would not be brought to justice, without even making a deal for him to do time.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) June 30, 2021
To the ppl trying to say “bLaCk woMen aCCusEd BiLL cOsbY too” , when has white society cared about what sistas had to say? The killers of Breonna Taylor are still free NOW. You care nothing about justice for BW, so please don’t try to use Black woman as a cover for your racism
— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) June 30, 2021
People in jail for a gram of weed watching Bill Cosby go free
— memory lane (@bitchit999) June 30, 2021
This is MADNESS! How does Bill Cosby go free for a reason that doesn’t DISPROVE he committed the crime!? Who’s next Harvey Weinstein?!
Survivors of sexual abuse/rape/assault are being thrown under the bus for rich & powerful men. The Court is their playground.
This is bullshit.
— Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu (@SholaMos1) June 30, 2021
#RKelly finding out #BillCosby being released
— Sheldon Coleman (@SCRenard84) June 30, 2021
Welcome Home @BillCosby 😭😭
— GOLDEN CHILD💫 (@_tyreseh) June 30, 2021