Meek Mill’s lengthy prison sentence has been the talk of the internet for the past month and a half. While he was sentenced to two to four years in prison, his fans, supports and peers have gathered together to campaign against it. A lot of news has flooded about the shady dealings of his judge, Genece Brinkley, and the strange requests she’s offered Meek for leniency. However, a new report has come out saying that he was actually the one who pressed for the FBI investigation by her.
In a report from, they say the FBI asked Meek Mill to secretly record conversations with Judge Genece Brinkley as part of their investigation. However, Meek himself decided against it and refused to do so. In the report, they say Meek Mill was the one who urged the FBI to probe the judge behind his case. Their sources claim there’s no active investigation on the judge as of right now and Meek’s decision to not cooperate with the FBI played a much bigger factor in why there’s allegedly no longer an investigation behind her.
As of right now, many are urging for an investigation behind Judge Genece Brinkley. Most recently, social justice organizations #Cut50 and Color of Change have publicly campaigned for the judge to undergo an ethics investigation. They say Meek Mill isn’t the only person she’s handed over unjust sentences to over probation violation and are citing a recent review of her “Statement of Financial Interests” show that she hasn’t fully disclosed all of her income.