Jillian Michaels caught some heat.
The body-shaming antics that plague Lizzo has gotten so bad that the “Truth Hurts” singer has checked out of Twitter, seeking peace and zero shame from the platform that breeds such negative comments. “Yeah I can’t do this Twitter shit no more.. too many trolls,” she wrote in one tweet before her hiatus. “I’ll be back when I feel like it.”
Even though Lizzo has made it clear that she’s not here to live up to anyone’s body expectations, still she pulls in questionable comments about her frame and the latest to do so comes from fitness guru Jillian Michaels. The former host on The Biggest Loser paid a visit to BuzzFeed News’ Twitter morning show AM to DM and when Lizzo came up, Jillian questioned why people are “celebrating her body.”
After the host expressed how great it is to see different body types in the media, Jillian interrupted with her opinion: “Why are we celebrating her body? Why does it matter? Why aren’t we celebrating her music? ‘Cause it isn’t going to be awesome if she gets diabetes,” she asked.
“I’m just being honest. I love her music, my kid loves her music, but there’s never a moment when I’m like, ‘I’m so glad she’s overweight.’ Why do I even care? Why is it my job to care about her weight?”
Peep some reactions to her comments below along with the video and let us know what you think.
.@JillianMichaels on Lizzo: "Why are we celebrating her body? Why does it matter? Why aren't we celebrating her music? 'Cause it isn't gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes." pic.twitter.com/FkKBd8J87b
— AM2DM by BuzzFeed News (@AM2DM) January 8, 2020
People who have incredibly deep-seated self-hatred and have spun it into a "fitness" empire are particularly inclined to say shit like this. Jillian Michaels has successfully projected her body dysmorphia outwards for years and made a ton of cash off it. https://t.co/ui19darO7J
— Sara Benincasa (@SaraJBenincasa) January 8, 2020
Jillian Michaels hates her own body and is worried that if other people hate their bodies less, they'll stop buying the shit she peddles. She's worried about the bottom line, not Lizzo's health (or yours, or mine.)
— Sara Benincasa (@SaraJBenincasa) January 8, 2020
I don’t really give two shits about Jillian Michaels, but we celebrate Lizzo because Lizzo unapologetically celebrates Lizzo and encourages everyone to celebrate themselves, so Jillian can fuck all the way off to whatever washboard ab mountain of misery she sits atop.
— Connecticutting (@Connecticutting) January 8, 2020
Jillian Michaels is terrified, and more than that, *ashamed and embarrassed* that she is going to die, and that neither her abs or her shouting can make her less dead in the end
the humiliation she feels about this has to be projected somewhere
guess this time it'll be Lizzo
— Michelle Allison (@fatnutritionist) January 8, 2020
Lizzo spends hours every night singing and playing the flute during intensive dance cardio. Just admit that the only self worth you've found for yourself is in your thinness, Jillian, then go to therapy & do the work to love yourself.
— 🐺Mira (@LostWolfling) January 8, 2020
Jillian michaels has been spewing her fatphobia all week and it just reminds me of how sick of a concept the biggest loser was. They literally were "rewarding" people with cash who lost weight.
— Alphabet Mafia Boss (@Afronomenal_) January 8, 2020
Jillian Michaels can no more predict Lizzo’s future health — or speak on her current health — then she can walk upside down on the ceiling. Not only is this well outside of her skill set as an overpaid aerobics teacher, it’s just a prejudice-based guess built on stereotypes.
— Mx. Amadi (@amaditalks) January 8, 2020