Tina Campbell of Mary Mary fame has opened up about her support of Donald Trump.
The gospel singer wrote an open letter detailing why she both forgives Trump and why she supports him as President. In the letter, she goes so far as to give biblical reasons as to why everyone should pray for him.
Campbell posted the letter to her Facebook page.
“I believe that understanding and compassion [are] absolutely necessary for the progress of all people,” Campbell wrote. “So, although I don’t always understand or agree with Mr. Donald Trump’s politics, perspective, and approach, I believe that the same God that created all of us has deposited greatness inside of him that goes far beyond what many of us have seen and what many of us could imagine.”
She went on to say that people should spend more time praying for Trump and those that lead the country and less time complaining.
“I choose to stand with him, and pray for him; because, as a follower of Jesus Christ and a firm believer in the Holy Bible, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3, I have been commanded to: ‘The first thing I want you to do is pray every way you know how… especially for rulers and their governments, to rule well. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live,’” she penned.
Uh.. One one hand I understand what she’s saying from the aspect of we really can’t do anything but hope that Trump surprises us and does a good job at this point. However..there’s a difference in being hopeful and supportive, sis. Don’t get those shackles put back on us you were carrying on about.