Pop star Justin Bieber has lashed out at a group of fans who tried to take a photo with him, telling them they made him “sick”.
It capped off a controversial visit to Melbourne for the 23-year-old, with many Beliebers disappointed with his Friday night performance. Melbourne girl Sabah Helar and her friends got closer than most today, snapping a pic of their idol when they spotted him in the city – but it didn’t go down too well.
“I’m like ‘Hey Justin, can we have a photo?’ He’s like: ‘You’re invading my privacy I don’t want a photo’,” the fan stated.
The 20-year-old caught the exchange on video, with Bieber telling her: “Look at you, you make me sick.”
Her mother Houda Bennaoui told the Herald Sun the singer’s behaviour left her daughter heartbroken and called his attitude “disgusting”.
“My daughter was balling her eyes out. She was dying to meet him and then he humiliated her,” she said.
She also said his concert last night was underwhelming.
“His hands were in his pockets for the first five songs and it seemed like he didn’t want to be there,” Mrs Bennaoui said.
Ten-year-old Alessia Farinaccio had a much more pleasant experience, winning a competition to dance with the super star on stage.
“He asked me what my name was, he called me beautiful and gave me a big hug,” a thrilled Alessia said.
One girl who missed out on seeing the star in concert was eight-year-old Bella, who just started chemotherapy for T-cell leaukaemia.
She and her mum Ally Allan are hoping the singer might make a quick hospital visit while he is in town.
“All she does is pretty much sit by the window and watch the outside world go by,” Ms Allan stated.
“Come on Biebs, do this for this beautiful little girl!” she pleaded. Check out the footage below: