Will went to great heights to make his submission a standout contender.
Will Smtih continues to prove that he’s still got it with every Instagram post he makes since he joined the platform less than a year ago. His latest addition to his feed sees his contribution to the viral #InMyFeelingsChallenge that started when Drake dropped off his latest album, Scorpion. The Side B track “In My Feelings” has since seen hundreds, if not thousands of fans and celebrities alike show off their moves.
Will decided to hit up the rooftops of Budapest to film his take on the dance challenge and although his doesn’t really hit every beat the way we’ve seen before, he gets high scores for climbing his way to the top of a bridge. “’Ima Keep It 💯… I was TERRIFIED up there. That’s why my dance moves is all STIFF!” he captioned the video. Check it out below: