Amber Rose broke the internet on Friday (June 9) with a NSFW photo of herself wearing a bikini top but no panties. Yes, Wiz Khalifa’s ex-wife showed off her bush — and the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. We are just saying.
In the now infamous photo, “Muva” is posing in a black fur coat in all of her bottomless glory (which has been edited out) to promote her 2017 Slut Walk event, which takes place in October. The racy photo was soon deleted because IG doesn’t allow nudity of any kind on their platform.
Rose then responded with a selfie video, writing in the caption, “When IG deletes ur fire ass feminist post but you really don’t give a f— because everyone picked it up already #amberroseslutwalk #bringbackthebush.”
Yes, they did. The bottomless photo has garnered plenty of mixed reactions. Some people have criticized Amber Rose for being an attention seeker. Meanwhile, male fans are demanding that women do the #AmberRoseChallenge on social media.
I do have to say, if anyone does the #amberrosechallenge – male or female – keep in mind that once the photo hits the internet it will be hard for you to delete it from existence. So you have been warned.
Check out people’s reactions to Amber Rose’s Slut Walk photo below.
*wakes up* *grabs water* *checks twitter* *thinks fast….* *types #AmberRoseChallenge *sets alarm for 9am to see tooth fairyesque results*
— Questlove Gomez (@questlove) June 10, 2017
Hands up all those waiting for the Amber Rose challenge #AmberRoseChallenge
— Buzwebakhe (@Buzwebakhe) June 10, 2017
Women slut shaming her and men body shaming her for having hair like a grown woman. Y'all weird. #AmberRose
— Silver Eye☄ (@Sb_spark) June 10, 2017
Before you participate on this remember.amber Rose has nothing to lose.
Wena you might not have a job on Monday morning #AmberRoseChallenge— Honourable Radebe (@tholakele15) June 10, 2017
Who told Amber Rose we want to see where her child came out? #AmberRoseChallenge
— Yashani D (@Ashley_Dorothy) June 10, 2017
After seeing that Amber Rose pose…. #AmberRoseChallenge
— #BCWYWF ?14/07/17? (@Jawz_ink) June 10, 2017
Waiting for #AmberRoseChallenge like…. Amber Rose
— Big Mo (@mosa_diego) June 10, 2017