Donald Trump’s eventual impeachment may come from an unlikely source. Larry Flynt, who you know as the founder and publisher of Hustler, took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post today to make an offer I sincerely hope is too good to pass up: $10 million American dollars to anyone who can finally provide the goods that’ll get the lumpy dry cheeto out of office.
3:30p FBN EXCLSV: @washingtonpost will run a Sun.Hustler Mag's @ImLarryFlynt offers $10m 4 info on @realDonaldTrump
— Liz Claman (@LizClaman) October 13, 2017
Flynt begins by acknowledging that the ad may be interpreted as “a sour grapes plot by Democrats to overturn a legitimate election,” before going on to parse vote counts and the ways in which the Electoral College is bad for the country. It’s an unpleasant trip down memory lane, but luckily, the ad’s second half is more to the point.
“Of course, this skullduggery alone does not make the absolute moral or legal case for impeachment,” he writes, enumerating the litany of impeachable offenses the president has committed, including everything from his gross violation of nepotism laws to his handling of the far-right rally in Charlottesville to his apparent total willingness to engage in thermonuclear war.
So I decided to do this…let's see what happens.
— Larry Flynt (@ImLarryFlynt) October 15, 2017
In case potential whistleblowers need an extra push, Flynt has some ideas about the type of information that could prove useful.
“Buried in Trump’s top-secret tax returns or in other records from his far-flung financial investments there may be a smoking gun. Did he make some financial quid pro quo with the Russians? Has the business of the United States been compromised to protect the business of the Trump empire? We need to flush everything out into the open.”
The ad offers a toll-free number (1-800-251-2714) and email address ( for any tips., and the Post notes that it will staffed weekdays from 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. PT for the next two weeks. And hey—it’s worked before. Flynt has dropped similar ads in the past in pursuit of incriminating information on politicians, one of which reportedly spurred the resignation of Republican Congressman Bob Livingston in 1998.
But those previous offers amounted to just $1 million each. This time, the stakes are much higher.
“Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair,” Flynt writes, “but the alternative—three more years of destabilizing dysfunction—is worse.”
I agree, Larry Flynt. Who knew a porn king could possibly be the knight in shining armor America deserves.