AND I OOP!: Malik Yoba Says He is “Heterosexual,” “Trans-attracted” and Calls People Out Who Shame Mister Cee & Eddie Murphy For the Same

Malik Yoba, Nala Simon, David Johns and Carmen Carrera stopped by The Breakfast Club with DJ Envy, Charlamagne the god and Angela Yee to talk about issues swirling around LGBTQ community and Yoba’s recent entry into the social and intellectual space as an ally (or member).

“Is this considered coming out?” Charlamagne tha god says to Malik Yoba as he interrupts the actor as he breaks down his position on human sexual equality and gender identity.

And without skipping a beat, Yoba says “It’s called stepping the f*ck up.” He continues, “There are a lot of Black men (and I ain’t gonna blow nobody up, but we all know who they are) that are in situations where they are friends, sometimes lovers and sometimes murderers of transwomen.”

When he says “stepping the f*ck up,” he directly is addressing Black men who tolerate the community shaming of influencers and celebrities like Mister Cee, Eddie Murphy and Teddy Pendergrass for allegedly being trans-associated (rumored to be trans-attracted) like he revealed he was last week.

Yoba identifies as a CIS heterosexual man that loves women and transwomen. What does CIS mean?

According to The Conversation, “The prefix ‘trans-‘ comes from Latin, meaning ‘across from’ or ‘on the other side of.’ In contrast, the prefix ‘cis-‘ means ‘on this side of.’ It is commonly used in chemistry and in relation to geographic features, such as in ‘cisalpine.’ [It] relates specifically to gender rather than sexuality. A person can be cisgender (often abbreviated to just cis) and have any sort of sexuality. For example, two men may both be cisgender but one straight and one gay.”

What Yoba also admits to is that he admired Reese Willoughby, a 20-year-old rapper from Philly that recently committed suicide, for being brave enough to admit he was trans-attracted and in a trans-relationship. Yoba says that he wish that he had that same courage when he was that young to admit what he was feeling all along. He further admits that when he was 16 he met the first trans-woman that peeked his curiosity. The question comes up about whether or not the trans-attraction language that he uses can feel like a fetish to members int he community. It is valid.

Angela Yee asked, “How you determine between fetish and attraction.”

Nala Simone answers, “It is about intention and impact. Fetish comes when you only want to be with this person in the dark. You only want to be with that person sexually. Instead of wanting to get to know you.” She continues, “Our community often times has this rhetoric that creates stigma for particularly men who can’t feel free enough to be their authentic selves and love inclusively. What happens is that stigma creates that fetishization.”

Simone also dismisses the narrative that men that are with, hurt and harm, transwomen have been deceived. “I don’t have to deceive anyone to come in my bedroom. It is about trust.”

Malik also admit that he posted his transaction now because there is a march on Sept. 28th and he wanted to create awareness. Peep the interview below. Thoughts?

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