These days Doja Cat can’t even “Moooo” on Twitter without being reminded of her recent scandals.
Doja Cat’s career hasn’t been the same since she was ousted for hanging out in group chats with alleged white supremacists. She’s gone on to deny this claim on numerous occasions, though it began with a lengthy apology she posted on her Instagram page. Since then, she’s been relatively low-key and it’s quite evident that many that were riding for her aren’t anymore.
#DojaCatIsOverParty isn’t trending anymore but many aren’t forgetting the controversy. Earlier today, Doja Cat issued a statement suggesting there’s hypocrisy how this situation is being presented, especially as someone of a multi-racial background. “Remember when people said I was black when I had a #1 along side 3 other black women but now the same people wanna say I’m white? Maybe I’m not the one here with “identity issues”. :)” She tweeted out earlier today.
When someone tweeted that she was “trying to make us forget what you did,” she slammed their claim and told them that she wants them to remember just who they’re talking too. But even so, there were others that continued to hound her. “In what world do you think a gang of white supremacists would actually hang out with a black person? Just ACTUALLY THINK about what you said,” she said.
Doja’s response clearly attempted to simply and minimize the complexity of white supremacy. Fans pointed this out to her prompting her to delete the tweet. Nonetheless, she added, “My response was that I’m standing up for myself because I know what the truth is.”
Remember when people said I was black when I had a #1 along side 3 other black women but now the same people wanna say I'm white? Maybe I'm not the one here with "identity issues". 🙂
— Doja Cat (@DojaCat) July 21, 2020
I'm just trying to make sure you remember who the fuck you're talking to, coward.
— Doja Cat (@DojaCat) July 21, 2020
For sure! But I'm standing up for myself because I was never in a white supremacist chat room.
— Doja Cat (@DojaCat) July 21, 2020
Deleted my last tweet because someone brought up a very valid point about it. My response was that I'm standing up for myself because I know what the truth is.
— Doja Cat (@DojaCat) July 21, 2020
Stfu bitch @DojaCat you’re canceled #canceled
— Queen Of Brooklyn (@realbktidalwave) July 21, 2020
remember when none of us forgot what u did
— colton (DOWN TERRIBLE) (@FlREARM) July 21, 2020
Doja Cat really gone sit on Beyoncé’s internet and try to make us feel bad for calling her out on her shit like she didn’t tell us she was white and then make a song using a slur that’s literally so racist most black ppl didn’t even know what the fuck it was
— DEFUND THE POLICE (@kashmirVIII) July 21, 2020
after a lot of contemplation I have decided that Doja Cat may be a weirdo but the way ya’ll come for her is kinda annoying & unnecessary.
1. she really didn’t say anything racist.
2. way too many people are trying to write her story for her because she’s mixed.
— lady reverie ☿ (@ashanism) July 21, 2020
Some of y’all are trying to cancel a black woman(Doja cat) for being racist before your cancelling some of your racist white faves 🤡 🤡 🤡🤡
— Abdi 🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴 (@the_fahima) July 21, 2020
Us black people handed you to the white people you can no longer say you black (if you was)or the n word. Keyword had #1 after you said you would show ya boobs if you get #1 but also have a history for talking down on black people n stripping for white people
— official._.ty (@tyler_colllins) July 21, 2020