There is no doubt that Azealia Banks is a confident woman. Consistently speaking her mind, the rapper always comes up with ways to make headlines. Unfortunately, most of those headlines have zero to do with her musical career. Over the last few days Azealia’s primary focus of shade for attention, was at the expense of Cardi B, now, she just may be directing her attention elsewhere.
Taking advantage of the new press she received from her Cardi B beef, she posted some behind the scenes footage from the video set of her single ‘Anna Wintour,’ which a fan believed looked vaguely familiar.
The fan apparently thought Azealia’s preview looked similar to Kanye West’s now infamous video for ‘Fade,’ which featured choreography by and starred Teyana Taylor. “Okay Azealia, feel that @TeyanaTaylor fantasy. I see you queen,” the commented, to which Azealia quickly fired back “lol, you mean the choreography she STOLE from @bornready_matt and tried not to give him credit for until he got a lawyer involved…”
Say what now? Not much is known about the situation that Azealia is alleging, but considering it doesn’t even seem like the fan was trying to be shady by their comment, it was definitely unnecessarily shady (as most things that Azealia says are.) What do you guys think? I think she should chill, because Teyana would definitely give her a “FADE.”